Has your daily spiritual practice ever started to feel too routine?!? Almost like a chore or an item to check off your to-do list? Or a path that always leads to the same place?
Mine certainly has!
Today I want to discuss the TOP 3 WAYS I’ve learned to keep my spiritual practice fresh like warm laundry!
I want to begin this discussion by highlighting (what I believe is) the most essential part of a daily spiritual practice — DAILY PRACTICE.
I WANT TO BE VERY CLEAR, the beauty lives in the repetitive nature of daily practice.
Here’s why… IF we take time to go-within each day, we begin (over time) to experience another dimension to our lives. With continued practice, the non-physical dimension becomes as real as the physical dimension because we truly begin to sense it.
We feel it. We communicate with it. We receive from it. SPIRIT IS EXPERIENCED BY US & therefore it is undeniably real TO US (naysayer voices fade into the light of our new awareness).
Once this happens, our consciousness has expanded & quite honestly, I believe we never fully return to our old way of being in the world. Something shifts & life is never the same (bigger, in a good way).
Here’s the unfortunate part of cultivating a spiritual practice where you connect deeply & fully with spirit — it can take a loooooong while before the atmosphere of spirit begins to tangibly & consistently enter our perceptions as we practice. The time it takes is dependent on many factors (the logical nature of your mind, the belief system you were raised in, the gifts you were born with). If you’re like most people, in this lag
Boredom hits.
Think of spiritual practice this way — you are using your conscious awareness (your body, thoughts, imagination, heart, emotions) like a tuning fork as you practice harmonizing your connection to the divine. You must learn to hit the exact wavelength that creates resonance with YOUR invisible energy field. To do this takes a lot of patience and even then, we might (in the beginning) only hit one note in an infinite & rich symphony.
It can begin to feel like each time you practice, you’re hitting the same key on the piano. It can become irritating. Stale. Enraging even! This is why I believe longevity & creativity are both keys to your success on the spiritual path. When people say they “can’t meditate” or they can’t “read tarot” or they can’t “receive manifestations” it usually means they didn’t try it long enough because they got bored or discouraged with the results.
Their physical system wasn’t able to synthesize, assimilate, or access the spiritual world quick enough to keep their engagement and attention span within their practice.
This brings me to my first spiritual practice recommendation!
#1 A circle of stones (metaphorical or real).
If enhancing and increasing sensitivity is what we need to begin to feel & tap the spiritual dimensions, then taking time to create a sacred time & space that feels separated from our regular life is one amplifying tip!
One very simple and easy way to accomplish this is to circle yourself with stones (or crystals, candles, archangel cards, fresh flowers, water bowls, singing bowls, incense, etc.). This practice can intensify your focus and amplify your sensitivity to the information grid around your body. Once inside the sacred container, practice bringing mindfulness & connection to something larger than your [ human story, ego, limitations, fears, body ]. I suspect with the circle around you, you can achieve a clear connection with little effort.
I don’t believe you need this spiritual stuff to find you consistent connection, however, the symbolism & ritual can open layers of perception within you and it can make your practice have a whole new level of sacred energy.
Keep it fresh: Try working with different energies to circle around yourself. See if different elements produce different results. See if one element (fire) is more igniting to your system, or one type of crystal is more clarifying to your system, or one ascended master is more alive in your mind.
#2 Make Your Own (all of it). If spiritual practice is about cultivating your connection to your divine energy field, then you are the go-to master of your own practice. I’ll remind you, YOU ARE UNIQUE. You have a unique consciousness, a unique body, tastes, affinities, interests. It’s time to use this to your advantage as you deepen and strengthen your connection to spirit.
True story. I make all my own meditations, affirmation sets, hypnosis tracks, guided visualizations, medicine bath recipes, chants, prayer sequences. I design them to fit my exact needs. What I’m currently working on emotionally. The creative projects I’m growing. The manifestations I hope to see. I use them until their curiosity-&-intrigue energy dampens & then I know I’m ready for the next step.
IT’S SOOOOOOO thrilling to finetune your practice to you. This is you exercising your divine Creativity & it’s the absolute fastest way to experience-based truth. YOU are the key to YOU. No one can design and tweak a pathway into the sublime for you, but you can.
#3 Add Questions (journal your answers).
If it feels good to make advancements in your practice, then asking QUESTIONS & receiving ANSWERS is a beautiful exercise to keep your third-eye on the prize.
The beauty of the universe can be revealed when you ask to be shown.
Answers will find you. If you ask your Q’s at the end of your daily practice, you will not be left hanging. Within a week or two the perfect information will find you.
From personal experience I can say answers appear when you’re not looking for them. To take the pressure off, I keep an Evernote notebook full with questions I’m asking. When one appears I always write the distinction and epiphany that it has gifted me with. Keeping track and documenting the response is one way I navigate the progress I’m making & all the info I’m learning as I take time “on the mat.”
I love you #beautyhumans! Keep up your practice! I hope you found one of these tips inspiring and helpful. Thank you for reading.